Wednesday, March 21, 2007

End the war today.

My fellow Americans, today I would like to talk about war.

As I'm sure you all know, for quite some time, America has been fighting an increasingly difficult war.

It is a war against an enemy that is not always easy to see.

It is a war that does not confine itself to any form of national boundries.

It is a war that an increasing number of Americans believe that we can not win.

It is a war that is costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

It is a war that is sometimes compared to similar war fought several decades ago and was lost.

It is a war that is taking the lives of young Americans, and is disproportionately affecting the lower class and minorities.

Yes, my fellow Americans, I am talking about the war on drugs. For many years, our country has been fighting a losing war against the use and distribution of illegal drugs, and while I do believe that drug abuse is absolutely wrong and something we should fight to prevent, I also believe that the way we have gone about discouraging this is completely wrong.

The lessons learned from prohibition seem to be completely lost on this generation. The war on drugs is a noble cause, however the way it has been fought has been incredibly ineffective.

Our laws state that it is illegal to produce, possess or distribute certain substances, but that has not in any way stopped certain elements within our borders, and in other nations as well, from doing so. And our laws have produced a very favorable supply/demand ratio for these elements, making the trade of these substances quite lucrative.

Our resources are now forced to fight these elements - drug cartels, gangs, small scale dealers, right down the users. Police forces are stretched to the limits and put at great risk fighting these well organized and very well funded rings. Our prisons are over-crowded with people that would not be filling up our prison systems if the chance to make such easy money were not there.

My solution to this has been thrown around by others many times, and it is always viewed as quite controversial, but I do believe it is the best solution. My solution is the decriminialization of the majority of today's illegal drugs.

Do not get me wrong here. I am not looking to a surrender in the war on drugs. In fact, I would look at this more along the lines of using nuclear weapons in the war on drugs.

For decades, we have been using police, military, intelligence agencies, and countless dollars to fight gangs and drug cartels who are profiting enormously today. With one stroke of a pen, I can destroy these cartels. With the decriminalization of these drugs, those that we have been fighting for decades lose everything.

As a result, our police will have a lot less work to do. Our prisons will become less crowded with low level offenders, making room to allow for longer sentences for people that truely need to be locked away. Our federal and local budgets will have a huge burden lifted from them.

MG Apparel's Warning shirt

Additionally, if produced legally in the United States, the cost of these drugs would be miniscule when compared to today's prices. That difference would be covered in an enormous exise tax on these drugs, keeping most of them at current street prices.

This means that not only are we not wasting enormous amounts of resources on this fight, we have also produced a rather substantial revenue stream.

With one stroke of a pen.

This would create the resources needed to fight this war correctly - eliminate the strong, and attempt to treat the weak.

If you agree that this is a great solution to this problem, you may wish to further fund this campaign by purchasing the "Warning" shirt today.

Thank you for your continued support.

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