Staggered Workday Tax Credit
My fellow Americans, sitting in traffic is one of my least favorite things in the world. It is like time being stolen from my life. It is like being held against my will. It is like being imprisoned without being found guilty of anything. And this jail doesn't have food or bathrooms. Unless you count the spare diapers I may have on hand. I don't count them, so no bathroom.
Sometimes these events are unavoidable. There's an accident, weather conditions, road repair - though with that one, much could be done to minimize the impact of it, since it is a planned event.
However, anybody living in a major metropolitan area knows all too well that there are scheduled traffic jams daily, roughly between the hours of 8:00-9:30 and 4:30-6:00.
When I am elected president, I propose the staggered workday tax credit. Any company with 50 or more employees on site who create a schedule breaking their hours into 3 or more equally sized tiers would be eligible for this credit. For example, a company has 100 employees. The work day for this company, utilizing this plan, would expand their office hours from, say, 9-5 to be open from 7am-6pm, having 25 people work a 7-3 shift, 25 work an 8-4 shift, 25 work 9-5 and 25 work 10-6.
Just this one company implementing this plan could potentially take 75 cars off of the road durring the current peak traffic time.
There are many benefits to this as well.
The company is available for more hours. In this global economy, that is important, as more and more companies depend on interstate and international commerce. Not everybody is in the same time zone. Yet. But I'll save that plan for another speech.
There are environmental benefits. A car stuck in traffic gets 0 MPG. Keeping traffic moving saves gasoline, produces less pollution, and cuts our dependency on foreign oil.
There are health benefits, both physical and psychological. Everybody knows the dangers of smoking, and most accept the dangers of second hand smoke as well. Being stuck in traffic behind a truck can be like being sentenced to a 15 minute stay in the gas chamber.
Additionally, stress can have physical impacts on health as well.
My fellow Americans, commuting daily is a hardship we all must endure. Until now, everybody has accepted this and seen no need or desire to improve or change this. When I am elected, change will take place.
Support me by ordering one of these bumper stickers to show your frustration with rush hour traffic.
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